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János Adolf SZABÓ





Chapter in Books

Szabó, J. A. (2007): Decision Supporting Hydrological Model for River Basin Flood Control. In R. J. Peckham and G. Jordan (eds): “Digital Terrain Modelling: Development and Applications in a Policy Support Environment”. Chapter 7, pp. 145-182. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN: 978-3-540-36730

Papers in printed, conference-proceedings/abstracts:

Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. - Kis, A. - Szabó, J. A. (2017): Hydrological projections on a small European catchment. 97th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. Seattle, 22–26. January, 2017. [link]


Kis, A. - Szabó, J. A. - Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. (2016): Analysing the hydrological impacts of climate change at a small catchment scale. In the online proceedings of the EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts Vol. 13, EMS2016-382. 16th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th ECAC | 12–16 September 2016 | Trieste, Italy [link]


Kis, A. - Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. - Szabó, J. A. (2016): Analysis of the extreme runoff characteristics using integrated modelling concept of hydrological and climatological models. (In Hungarian: A lefolyás extrém jellemzõinek vizsgálata hidrológiai és klimatológiai modellek összekapcsolásával.). In the online proceedings of the XXXIVth Annual Scientific Meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Debrecen, Hungary, 6-8 Jul. 2016) [link]


Kis, A. - Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. - Szabó, J. A. (2016): Analysis of the relationship of climate change and runoff characteristics on the Upper Tisza River Basin. (In Hungarian: Az éghajlatváltozás és a lefolyási karakterisztikák kapcsolatának vizsgálata a Felsõ-Tisza vízgyûjtõ példáján). In Pongrácz R. et. al (eds.): Egyetemi Meteorológiai Füzetek. 2016. pp. 81–87. [link]


Kis, A. - Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. - Szabó, J. A. (2016): Comparing the simulated extreme runoff characteristics for the past and the future in a small Hungarian catchment. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts: European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly Proceedings. Vienna, Ausztria, 2016.04.17-2016.04.22. Paper EGU2016-2918. 18 [link]


Kis, A. - Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. - Szabó, J. A. (2016): The estimations of extreme runoff characteristics by RegCM driven hydrological model. In: Bíróné Kircsi Andrea, Lakatos Mónika, Güttler Ivan (eds.) Abstract book: Second Pannex Workshop on the Climate System of the Pannonian Basin. 76 p. Budapest, Hungary, 2016.06.01-2016.06.03. Hungarian Meteorological Service, 2016. p. 71. (ISBN:978-963-9931-11-4) [link]


Kis, A. - Szabó, J. A. - Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. (2016): The application of RCM-driven hydrological model to the Uppest-Tisza basin. In: Szépszó, G. (ed.) Abstracts - International Workshop on Climate Change. Budapest, Hungary, 2016.06.06-2016.06.08. Budapest: Hungarian Meteorological Service, 2016. p. 9. [link]


Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. - Kis, A. - Szabó, J. A. (2016): Projected changes of extreme runoff characteristics under climate change conditions. – case study for a Central/Eastern European catchment. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society. New Orleans, Louisiana. 10–14. January, 2016 – poszter [link]


Kis, A. - Szabó, J. A. - Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. (2015): Analyze the effects of climate change on the extreme characteristics of runoff on the Zagyva river basin. (In Hungarian: A klímaváltozás extrém lefolyási karakteriszitkákra gyakorolt hatásainak elemzése a Zagyva vízgyûjtõn). In Pongrácz R. et. al (eds.): Egyetemi Meteorológiai Füzetek. 2015. pp. 41–48. [link]


Szabó, J. A. - Réti, G. (2013): Uncertainty of estimation of precipitation fields, and analysis of its effect to hydrologic model simulations. (In Hungarian: Csapadékmezõk becslési bizonytalansága, és hatásának elemzése hidrológiai modell-szimulációkra.) XXXIst Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Gödöllõ, Hungary, 3-4 Jul. 2013)


Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. - Szabó, J. A. (2013): Distributed Hydrological Modelling- and Stochastic Weather Generator-based Combined Estimation Technique for Future Flood Frequency Using Regional Climate Model Simulation. In the online proceedings of the 93th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (Joint between the 27th Conference on Hydrology; and the 25th Conference on Climate Variability and Change). Austin, Texas, USA, 6-10 Jan. 2013. [link]


Szabó, J. A. – Lucza, Z. – Tóth, Z. – Futaki, K. (2012): System plan: Joint, Hungarian and Ukrainian Integrated flood forecast system applying GIS-based model system. (In Hungarian: Rendszerterv: Közös, magyar és ukrán Felsõ-Tiszai Integrált árvízvédelmi elõrejelzõ rendszer térinformatikai alapú modellrendszer alkalmazásával.), XXXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Kaposvár, Hungary, 4-6 Jul. 2012)


Lucza, Z. - Szabó, J. A. – Illés, L. (2012): Further development of the methodology of the calculation of Hungarian-Ukrainian boundary water design floodlevels of River Tisza. (In Hungarian: A Tisza magyar-ukrán határvízi mértékadó árvízszint meghatározásainak módszertani újragondolása.) XXXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Kaposvár, Hungary, 4-6 Jul. 2012)


Szabó, J. A. (2012): Mapping of precipitation fields using Sequential Gaussian Simulations. (In Hungarian: Csapadékmezõk Kitérképezése Szekvenciális Gaussi Szimulációval.), XXXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Kaposvár, Hungary, 4-6 Jul. 2012)


Szabó, J. A. -  Csipak, V. - Lucza, Z. - Illés, L. (2012): Foundation of model simulation-based redesigning of the planned floodcontrol reservoirs of the Carpathian watershed of River Tisza.  (In Hungarian: A Tisza Kárpát-ukrajnai Vízgyûjtõjére Tervezett Hegyvidéki Árapasztó Tározók Modell-szimuláción Alapuló Újratervezésének Módszertani Megalapozása), XXXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Kaposvár, Hungary, 4-6 Jul. 2012)


Szabó, J. A. - Bartholy, J. - Pongrácz, R. - Réti, G. (2012): Development of methodology of the impact analysis of climatic trends to characteristics of flood frequencies on the watershed of Upper-Tisza (In Hungarian: Módszertani fejlesztés a klimatikus trendek árvízi gyakoriságok karakterisztikáira gyakorolt hatáselemzésére a Felsõ-Tisza vízgyûjtõjén.) XXXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Kaposvár, Hungary, 4-6 Jul. 2012)


Szabó, J. A. - Bartholy, J. - Pongrácz, R. - Réti, G. (2012): Further development of the impact analysis of climatic trends to the flood frequency based on the determination of design floodlevels on the watershed of the Upper-Tisza. (In Hungarian: A Klimatikus Trendek Árvíz-gyakoriságokra Kifejtett Hatáselemzésének Módszertani Újragondolása a Felsõ-Tisza Mértékadó Árvízszintjeinek Meghatározása Kapcsán.) VI. Conference of Hungarian Geography. (Szeged, Hungary, 5-8 Sept. 2012)


Szabó, J. A. (2011): Model simulation-based estimation of soil drought according to the Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSMI). (In Hungarian: A talajaszály jellemzésének modell-szimuláció alapú becslése a standardizált talajnedvesség index alapján (Standardized Soil Moisture Index: SSMI).), XXIXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Eger, Hungary, 6-8 Jul. 2011)


Réti, G. – Tóth, T. – Bakonyi, P. – Szabó, J. A. (2011): Flood Hazard Mapping of the Hungarian Part of the Danube Corridor. River Basin and Flood Risk Management Scientific Conference with International Participation. (Castá, Slovakia, 6. Dec. 2011)


Szabó, J. A. - Bódis, K. - Tóth, T. - Tahy, Á. - Réti, G. (2011): Towards a Distributed Hydrologic Modelling Based Real-Time Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System for the Catchment Areas of Hungary’s Streams. In: Conference Abstracts of the “XXVth Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management” (Budapest, Hungary, 16-17 Jun. 2011), pp.: 45.


Szabó, J. A. - Tóthné Seres, É. - Réti, G. - Tóth, T. (2011): Model simulation based flood frequency analysis of Szerencs-creek. (In Hungarian: A Szerencs-patak számítógépes modell-szimuláción alapuló árvízi gyakoriság-elemzése.) XXIXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Eger, Hungary, 6-8 Jul. 2011)


Szabó, J. A. (2011):  Large-scale Meteorological Field Modelling Based on Geostatistical Approaches. XIVth Congress of Hungarian Geomathematics and the Third Congress of Croatian and Hungarian Geomathematics: Applications of geostatistics, GIS and remote sensing in the fields of geosciences and environmental protection. Mórahalom, Hungary, 26-27-28 May 2011.


Szabó, J. A. – Illés, L. – Lucza, Z. (2010): Model simulation-based frequency analysis of highwaters  emerging at the floodcontrol reservoir of Bereg. (In Hungarian: A beregi árapasztó tározót terhelõ nagyvizek gyakoriságának számítógépes modell-szimuláción alapuló elemzése.), XXVIIIth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Sopron, Hungary, 7-9 Jul. 2010)


Szabó, J. A. - Tóth, T. - Réti, G. (2010): Development of a model system for real-time analyzing the different states of water resources and forecasting for the watershed of river Danube, (In Hungarian: Valós idejû vízkészletállapot-elemzõ és elõrejelzõ modell-rendszer kifejlesztése a Duna vízgyûjtõjére.) XXVIIIth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Sopron, Hungary, 7-9 Jul. 2010)


Szabó, J. A. - Kuti, L. - Bakacsi, Zs. - Pásztor, L. - Tahy, Á. (2010): Spatial Patterns of Drought Frequency and Duration in the Great Hungarian Plain, based on Coupled-Model Simulations. In: Proceedings of the 4th IAHR International Groundwater Symposium (Valencia, Spain. 22-24 September, 2010.), pp:289-291.


Szabó, J. A. (2010): Proposal to Establish a Joint, Streamlined Multi-level Action Planning Procedure for Managing Drought in the Tisza River Basin. Background paper (BP6) for ICPDR, UNDP-GEF, UNEP and EC, DG ENV-D.1 joint Workshop on "Integrating land and water management in the Tisza River Basin" (26 - 27 April 2010, Szolnok, Hungary). Link to the paper here!


Gierk, M. - Bodis, K. - Younis, J. - Szabó, J. A. - Ad de Roo (2008): The impact of retention polders, dyke-shifts and reservoirs on discharge in the Elbe river. Hydrological modelling study in the framework of the Action Plan for the Flood Protection in the Elbe River Basin of the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River (ICIER). European Commission, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) Ispra, Italy, p. 110. EUR 23699 EN.


Szabó, J. A. - Bódis, K. - Tóth, S. - Jakus, Gy. (2008): Impact assessment study of planned flood retention reservoirs in the Upper-Tisza basin, based on model simulations. In: Proceedings of the “4th International Symposium on Flood Defence” (Toronto, Canada, 6-8 May, 2008), pp.: (to appear in print)


Szabó, J. A. - Gierk, M. - Wachter, K. (2008): An approach for distributed parameter optimization of LISFLOOD hydrological model using efficient hybrid optimization procedure. In: Book of Abstracts of the “European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly” (Vienna, Austria, 13 – 18 April 2008).


Szabó, J. A. (2008): An efficient hybrid optimization procedure of adaptive partition-based search and downhill simplex methods for calibrating water resources models. In: Book of Abstracts of the “European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly” (Vienna, Austria, 13 – 18 April 2008).


Wachter, K. - Kalaš, M.- Szabó, J. A.- de Roo, A. (2006): LISFLOOD Modelling in the Danube Basin. In: Proceedings of the “XXIIInd Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management” (Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, 28-31 August 2006).


de Roo, A. - Kucera, J. - Bonk, R. - Barredo, J. - Bódis, K. - Szabó, J. A.- Thielen, J. (2006): Flood Extent and Damage Estimation in Hungary During the Floods in Spring 2006, European Commission, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Ispra, Italy, p.28.EUR22712 EN.


Wachter, K. - Kalaš, M.- Szabó, J. A.- Bodis, K. - de Roo, A. (2004): LISFLOOD Modelling in the Danube Basin. In: Proceedings of the “XXIIInd Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management” (Brno, Czech Republic, 30 Aug. – 02 Sept. 2004), pp.: 41.


Kalaš, M. - Wachter , K. - Szabo, J. A. - Bodis, K. - Niemeyer , S. - van der Knijff , J. - de Roo , A. (2005): Setup, calibration and testing of the LISFLOOD model for the Upper Danube River basin on 1km. In: Book of Abstracts of the “European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly” (Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005).


Wachter, K. - Kalaš, M. - Szabo, J. A. - Niemeyer, S. - Bodis, K. - de Roo, A. (2005): Setup and testing of European Early Flood Alert System (EFAS) in the Danube River Basin. In: Book of Abstracts of the “European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly” (Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005).


Szabo, J. A. - Kalaš, M. (2005): Influence of uncertainty of interpolated meteorological inputs for distributed hydrological models. In: Book of Abstracts of the “European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly” (Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005).


Szabó, J. A. (2005): Estimation of high resolution meteorological fields based on geostatistical approaches. In: Book of Abstracts of the “European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly” (Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005).


Bonk, R. - Szabó, J. A. - Kalaš, M. - Bódis, K. (2004): Recent development and design of EFAS hydro-meteorological database. In: Book of Abstracts of the “2nd European Flood Alert (EFAS) Workshop” (Ispra, Italy, 10-12 November 2004), pp.: 114-115.


Bódis, K. - Szabó, J. A. (2004): Potential uncertainty of forecast estimated by spatial analyses of operative gauging network. In: Book of Abstracts of the “2nd European Flood Alert (EFAS) Workshop” (Ispra, Italy, 10-12 November 2004), pp.: 78-82.


Younis, J. - Szabó, J. A. - Kalaš, M.- Gierk, M. - Bódis, K. - de Roo, A. - Thielen, J. - van der Knijff, J. (2004): Calibration and Validation of the LISFLOOD Model to the Czech Part of Elbe and Odra River Basins. In: Book of Abstracts of the “2nd European Flood Alert (EFAS) Workshop” (Ispra, Italy, 10-12 November 2004), pp.: 59-63.


Gierk, M. – Younis, J. – Szabó, J. A. – Kalaš, M.- Bódis, K. – van der Knijff, J. (2004): EFAS – Status of Data Collection for the Elbe River Basin and initial Results of hydrological Model Calibration for the German Elbe on 1 km. In: Book of Abstracts of the “2nd European Flood Alert (EFAS) Workshop” (Ispra, Italy, 10-12 November 2004), pp.: 55-58.


Kalaš, M.- Szabó, J. A. - van der Knijff, J. - Bódis, K. - de Roo, A. (2004): Setup, calibration and testing of the Lisflood model for the Morava River basin on 1km. In: Book of Abstracts of the “2nd European Flood Alert (EFAS) Workshop” (Ispra, Italy, 10-12 November 2004), pp.: 50-54.


Wachter, K. - Kalaš, M.- Szabó, J. A.- Younis, J. - Niemeyer, S.- Gierk, M. - Bódis, K. - de Roo, A. (2004): EFAS Pilot basins – Description of the Danube river basin and status of Data Collection. In: Book of Abstracts of the “2nd European Flood Alert (EFAS) Workshop” (Ispra, Italy, 10-12 November 2004), pp.: 40-43.


Szabó. J. A. - Kalaš, M. - Bódis, K. (2004): Estimation of uncertainty of interpolated meteorological data and its Influences on hydrologic model simulations. In: Book of Abstracts of the “2nd European Flood Alert (EFAS) Workshop” (Ispra, Italy, 10-12 November 2004), pp.: 44-49.


Wachter, K. - Kalaš, M.- Szabó, J. A.- Younis, J. - Niemeyer, S.- Gierk, M. - de Roo, A. (2004): Towards a flood alert system for European trans-national river basins. In: Conference Abstracts of the “XXIInd Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management” (Brno, Czech Republic, 30 Aug. – 02 Sept. 2004), pp.: 41.


Szabó. J. A. - Kalaš, M. (2004): Influence of uncertainty of interpolated precipitation fields on distributed model-based simulations using LisFlood model: Case study for Upper-Tisza and Morava catchments. In: Conference Abstracts of the “XXIInd Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management” (Brno, Czech Republic, 30 Aug. – 02 Sept. 2004), pp.: 35.


Szabó, J. A. (2003): The Importance of the hydrodynamic description of unsaturated soils in large-scale and high-resolution watershed models. (in Hungarian: A telítetlen talajok hidrodinamikai leírásának jelentõsége kiterjedt, nagyfelbontású vízgyûjtõmodellekben). VIIIth Geo-mathematical Congress. Szeged, Hungary.


Szabó, J. A. (2002):  Distributed rainfall-runoff models and its applications (In Hungarian: Osztott paraméterû vízgyûjtõmodellek és alkalmazásai). Country-wide Scientific Conference on Natural Disasters. Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary.


Bálint, Z. - Konecsny, K. - Szabó, J. A. (2002):  Influence of forest crop change on the flow regime of the Upper-Tisza basin. (In Hungarian: Az erdõborítottság változásának hatása a Felsõ-Tisza vízjárására). XIXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. Nyíregyháza, Hungary.


Szabó, J. A. - Pápay, J. (2000): Uncertainty of predicted oil and gas production (In Hungarian: Kõolaj- és földgáztermelés elõrejelzésének megbízhatósága), Kõolaj és Földgáz Vol. 33, No 9-10, pp.: 97-102 (2000)


Szabó, J. A. - Pápay, J. (1999): Uncertainty of predicted oil and gas production (In Hungarian: Kõolaj- és földgáztermelés elõrejelzésének megbízhatósága), in Conference Proceedings of the “24th International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition” (Tihany, Hungary, 18-20 October, 1999), sect.: B/2.


Szabó, J. A. (1995): Global optimization on convex sets. (in Hungarian: Konvex tartományon értelmezett nemlineáris problémák globális optimalizálása). Vth Geo-mathematical Congress. Szeged, Hungary.


Györy, L. - Szabó, J. A. (1995): Mathematical approach to the optimal technology of well stimulation. In: Proceedings of the “IVth International Symposium on Application of Mathematical Methods and Computer Methodology”, (Cracow, Poland, 1995).


Szabó, J. A. (1994): Global optimization defined by interval-type constraints and its application for determining parameters of petroleum reservoir-simulations. (in Hungarian: Intervallumtípusú korlátozó feltételek melletti globális optimalizálás és alkalmazásai tároló-szimulációs paraméterek meghatározására). IVth Geo-mathematical Congress. Szeged, Hungary.


Szabó, J. A. (1988): Continuous solution of the one dimensional diffusion wave model and its application for hydrological forecasting. In: Proceedings of the “XIVth Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasts” (Kijev, SovietUnio, 1988).


Pintér, J. - Szabó, J. A. (1988): A New procedure for analyze and optimizing complex systems (In Hungarian: Egy új eljárás bonyolult rendszerek elemzésére és optimalizálására), in Conference Proceedings of the “3rd Country-wide Scientific Conference on Operations-research and Computer-science in Agriculture” (Debrecen, Hungary, 7-8 April, 1988), pp.: 181-182.


Pintér, J. - Szabó, J. A. (1986): Global optimization procedures and their applications in water resources modelling. (In Hungarian: Globális optimalizálási eljárások és vízgazdálkodási alkalmazásaik), Vízügyi Közlemények (Hydraulic Engineering), LXVIII. 1986/4, pp.: 520-529. Budapest, Hungary.


Ambrus S. Z. – Pintér J. D. – Szabó, J. A. (1986): Parameter optimization and stability analyses for the diffusion wave model. XIIInd Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasts. Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


Pintér, J., Szabó, J. A. Somlyódy, L. (1986): Multiextremal optimization for calibrating water resources models. Environmental Software Vol. 1, No 2, p.: 98-105 (Southampton, U.K. 1986)


Szabó, J. A. - Bartha, P. (1986): A non-linear cascade model for hydrological forecasting. In: Proceedings of the “XIIInd Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasts” (Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 16-19 September, 1986), pp.: 31-37.


Pintér, J., Szabó, J. A. (1985): Multiextremal (global) optimization algorithms for engineering applications. In: Adey, R. A. (ed.): Proceedings of the “Fourth International Conference on Engineering Software (ENGSOFT’85)”, (Kensington, England, 1985), pp.: 7-17 to 7-25. (Springer, Verlag 1985.)


Pintér, J. - Szabó, J. A. (1985): Global optimization algorithms: Theory and some applications. In: Prékopa, A. Straziczky, B. and Szelezsán, J. (eds.): Proceedings of the “12th IFIP Conference on Systems Modelling and Optimization” (Budapest, 1985), pp.: 704–713. (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 84, Springer-Verlag, 1986.)


Kis, A. - Szabó, J. A. - Pongrácz, R. - Bartholy, J. (2015): Climate change impact on flood characteristics in southwestern Hungary. In the online proceedings of the 15th EMS Annual Meeting & 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) | 07–11 September 2015 | Sofia, Bulgaria [link].


Szabó, J. A. - Kuti, L. - Bakacsi, Zs. - Pásztor, L. - Tahy, Á. (2010): Spatial Patterns of Drought Frequency and Duration in the Great Hungarian Plain, based on Coupled-Model Simulations. 4th IAHR International Groundwater Symposium. Valencia, Spain. 22-24 September, 2010.


Kalaš, M. - Wachter, K. - Szabo, J. A. - Bodis, K. - Niemeyer, S. - van der Knijff, J. - de Roo, A. (2005): Setup, calibration and testing of the LISFLOOD model for the Upper Danube River basin on 1km. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly.


Wachter, K. - Kalaš, M. - Szabo, J. A. - Niemeyer, S. - Bodis, K. - de Roo, A. (2005): Setup and testing of European Early Flood Alert System (EFAS) in the Danube River Basin. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.


Szabo, J. A. - Kalaš, M. (2005): Influence of uncertainty of interpolated meteorological inputs for distributed hydrological models. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.


Szabó, J. A. (2005): Estimation of high resolution meteorological fields based on geostatistical approaches. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

Unprinted workshop presentations:

Szabó, J. A. - Réti, G. (2013): Development of Advanced and Up-to-date Hydroinformatics Tools for Improved Water Management. Joint Stakeholder Conference, Transboundary water issues in a macro-regional context: the Danube basin, Hungarian Academy of Science, (Budapest, Hungary, 11-12 Sept. 2013)


Szabó, J. A. - Réti, G. (2013): Development of Advanced and Up-to-date Hydroinformatics Tools for Improved Water Management. Joint Stakeholder Conference, Transboundary water issues in a macro-regional context: the Danube basin, Hungarian Academy of Science, (Budapest, Hungary, 11-12 Sept. 2013)


Szabó, J. A. (2010): Towards the development of a spatial decision support system for IWRM and RBM planning. Presentation on the ICPDR, UNDP-GEF, UNEP and EC, DG ENV-D.1 joint Workshop on "Integrating land and water management in the Tisza River Basin", Working group No.3: Water scarcity. (26 - 27 April 2010, Szolnok, Hungary).


Wachter, K. - Szabó, J. A.- Kalaš, M. - Niemeyer, S. - Bódis, K. - van der Knijff, J. - de Roo, A. (2004): European Flood Alert System (EFAS) - Development and testing on Pan-European scale Progress and First Results of Calibration and Validation in the Danube Basin. 2nd European Flood Alert (EFAS) Workshop. Ispra, Italy.

Other important scientific presentations/seminars:

Szabó, J. A. - Réti G. Z. - Bartholy J. - Pongrácz R. (2014):  Impact assessment of climate change on flood runoff on the Upper Tisza Basin based on an integrated model analysis. (In Hungarian: A klímaváltozás árvízi lefolyásra gyakorolt hatásának integrált modellalapú elemzése a Felsõ-Tisza vízgyûjtõjére), Oral presentation at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. 20-21. November, 2014.


Szabó, J. A. (2011): New generation of methods to estimate and forecast parameters of soil drought. (In Hungarian: Új generációs módszerek a talajaszály állapotjellemzõinek kiértékelésére és elõrejelzésére.), Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Budapest, Hungary, 29. Sep. 2011)


Szabó, J. A. - Réti, G. (2011): Climate change and water management. (In Hungarian: Klímaváltozás és vízgazdálkodás.) Scientific presentation as an invited speaker of Hungarian Hydrological Society.  (Budapest, Hungary, 21 Sept. 2011)


Szabó, J. A. (2011): The new generation of watershed-hydrological modelsystem – DIWA (Distriuted WAtershed). (In Hungarian: Újgenerációs vízgyûjtõ-hidrológiai modellrendszer - DIWA (DIstributed WAtershead)), Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Baja, Hungary, 6. May 2011)


Szabó, J. A. (2010): New generation of decision support principles in water management. (In Hungarian: Újgenerációs döntés-elõkészítési elvek a vízgazdálkodásban.), Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Budapest, Hungary, 13. May 2010)


Szabó, J. A.  (2010): New scientific results in the research of burden capacity of flood protection works. (In Hungarian: Új tudományos eredmények az árvízvédelmi mûvek terhelésének vizsgálatában.), Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Nyregyháza, Hungary, 18. Nov. 2010)


Szabó, J. A. – Lucza, Z.  (2010): New scientific results in flood protection. (In Hungarian: Új tudományos eredmények az árvízvédelemben.), Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Nyregyháza, Hungary, 18. Nov. 2010)


Szabó, J. A. – Bódis, K. (2006):  Drastic environmental interventions to mitigate floods in the Tisza Basin: Methodological study of flood risk mapping. Scientific presentation at the JRC-IES-WDNH (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Weather-driven Natural Hazards Action). Ispra, Italy.


Szabó, J. A. (2006):  Analysis results of discovered problems within the LISFLOOD model
& some recommendations for further model developments.
Scientific presentation at the JRC-IES-WDNH (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Weather-driven Natural Hazards Action). Ispra, Italy.


Szabó, J. A. (2006):  An efficient hybrid optimization algorithm and its application on water resources management. Scientific presentation on Scientific Seminar Programme of JRC-IES (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability). Ispra, Italy.


Szabó, J. A. (2005):  An alternative method for automatic error detection and for feedback system in the state-space representation of kinematic wave model to improve real-time forecasts: Case study for Elbe. Scientific presentation at the JRC-IES-WDNH (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Weather-driven Natural Hazards Action). Ispra, Italy.


Szabó, J. A. (2005):  Estimation of high resolution meteorological fields based on geostatistical approaches. Scientific presentation on Scientific Seminar Programme of JRC-IES (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability). Ispra, Italy.


Szabó, J. A. (2003):  A detailed introductory to the DIWA (DIstributed WAtershed) rainfall-runoff model. Scientific presentation on Seminar Series 2003’ of JRC-IES-WDNH (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Weather-driven Natural Hazards Action). Ispra, Italy.


Szabó, J. A. (2002):  Experimental hydrological forecast in Upper-Tisza basin using new generational rainfall-runoff model. (In Hungarian: Újgenerációs csapadék-lefolyás elõrejelzõ modellkísérlet a Felsõ-Tisza vízgyûjtõrendszerén), Oral presentation at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

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